One of the bravest journeys you will ever take…
Identify when you are triggered. Once activated, how to self-regulate to deescalate and do what it takes to move out of your trauma states before acting out, hurting yourself or others.

It’s our spiritual responsibility to embark on this path, breaking cycles of violence manifested out of inter generational trauma graphed into our bodies on a cellular level.

Internalized oppression burrows deep as an unconscious pain, that when triggered erupts leaves feelin overwhelmed. Working our way through unsettled emotions that may never be understood by memory, infant trauma, childhood trauma, detached and denial, can be healed through ceremony, spiritually through the medicines that reach passed the mind and moved out of the body.

Unci Mac’s, going back to the land. A walk, hike, run.
Gathering, singing, dancing, weaving, beading, drumming, sweating. The Prayers that restore our Balance.

We all have a WAY that heals our hearts, memories and traumas we can’t recall but live underneath waiting to rob us of our composure, mental clarity, emotional stability, relationships.

We can Find the practice, medicine, ceremony that restores us. We need each other too. ♥️♥️♥️♥️