Hokep: A Warrior's Way

Hokep ~ a physical sacrifice for a spiritual prayer. When the intention to offer up oneself, and press into a place of suffering, out of one’s comfort zone, into a spiritual depth of contemplation. With the foot fall connecting to the earth, the eye gaze steady ahead, the heart opens to feel, the prayers rise. 

IN TRAINING as a spiritual offering. a Warrior’s Call to gain strength, stamina, and even speed to be swift as we are created. A Sacred journey unfolding before us will lead to a place we are  called to be. Strong, Prayerful and Resilient for the People, to honor our Ancestors, connect with Creator and Uplift Surviving families of MMIW/R.


Red Tipi

Red Tipi Healing Prayer & Children's Lodge

The purpose of the Red Tipi is to raise awareness never forgetting our Missing and Murdered Relatives and to support their families in any way we can.

The Intention of the Red Tipi is to create relationships, strengthening bonds that deepen our connection to one another affirming the beauty of our humanity..

As we restore our ancestral memories of who we are, we can unify, locally, nationally and even Globally.

In our Collective Power The Red Tipi brings us together throughout Turtle Island to Honor our Stolen Sisters and Relatives by acknowledging they were loved, they mattered, and to lift up their families.

Weaving together our Territories, standing in our Sovereignty to end the devastating inhumane continuation of Violence against Indigenous Peoples seen as MMIW/R..

The Red Tipi also is intended to hold space to confront the establishments that don't hear us, render us invisible and don't represent us. They belong in front of Sheriff's stations who don't listen to us, put in front of media who don't see us, and be raised on the steps of Capitol buildings who don't speak for us.

The Red Tipi lets them know


Sacred Altars of the MMIW

Since May of 2018, we committed to a Daily Sunrise Prayer Run for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Sisters and their families. The intent of the prayers was to directly spiritually confront the Spirit of Violence Against Women and Call upon the healing powers of our ancestors to mend the hurting families who have survived the loss of a loved one.

The first run, the prayer included gathering, which became prayer altars that began to take shape on earthen canvas in places prayed. These expressions of healing medicine continued to develop for nearly 3 years. They were photographed and shared as a reminder of the power of Prayer, our ancestors and Sisters we’ve lost. The Altars compose an Archive spanning from Savanah Le Fontaine Greywind to Selena Not Afraid two visible stories of our Missing Women.